Friday 10 May 2013

Friends today I am going to teach you

How to explore Zip & how to make it jar or own game with link what ever you want

First DOWNLOA BLUE FTP Yousing BLUE FTP you can create zip and explore zip and lot more various types of extentions like .nth(nokia theme) .tar .thm. But we have to focus on jar editing. Again DOWNLOAD SIMPLE JAR CONSIST OF FULL CRACK VURSION OF BLUE FTP. YOU GET IT AFTER INSTALL AND OPEN. After download it Rename it to zip. Open blue ftP (recently installd). GO to the folder ther you have keeped renamed jar and open it. YOU found there are few files named as META-INF(JAR software info folder class incideD), logo.png(logo you may change it by same image of same size and same extention And same name), a.class(class stands for java programing scricpts), b.class, ico(stands for icon image of software you can chang icon image by exchanging with same size pk with same extention and name.) and next is prem.class, where you have to past link what ever you want to open after software get installed. Now sellect the prem end extrect sullected to any other folder. class for pasting your own link. Now exit blue ftp and DOWNLOAD CLASS EDITOR . AFTER INSTALL OPEN. Go to the folder where you have extrected the prem class. You get a link there started with http:// just goto option and change the link then save it. link get changed. Now again go to blue ftp and open simple jar(get renamed to zip for open) and sellect all files and extrect it to anothe new folder and delete prem.class extrected(not edited 1 you had done recently). After that go to the folder where edited prem.class is , move it to extreccted folder where we had deleted prem.class. again open blue ftp and goto that folder wher extrected+edited prem.class is. then sellect all compress it to zip(name that _jar). vibration make shyour file get compressed. remember if you dont have renamed zip to _jar do it nw after exiting blue ftp you cannnot rename it. After that exit again And go to the folder and rename _jar to .jar YOUR SOFTWARE OF YOUR OWN LINK GET CREATED. OPEN IT . YOU HAVE TO ALLW CONNECTVITY AND IN A NEW WINDOW YOU APEAR YOUR LINK GET OPENED. YOU CAN USE IT AS BOOKMARK KEEPER TOO. ENJOY.


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